Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We're Going on a Treasure Hunt Lyrics

We’re going on a treasure hunt
We’re going on a treasure hunt
Going to get some fancy ones
We’re not scared!

Uh ho! a river a cold deep river
We can’t go over it we can’t go under it
Oh no! we’ve got to go through it
splish splosh splish splosh splish splosh

We’re going on a treasure hunt
We’re going on a treasure hunt
Going to get some fancy ones
We’re not scared!

Uh oh! a jungle
a dark gloomy jungle
We can’t go over it we can’t go under it
Oh no! we’ve got to go through it
stumble trip stumble trip stumble trip

We’re going on a treasure hunt
We’re going on a treasure hunt
Going to get some fancy ones
We’re not scared!

Uh oh a sand storm
a swirling whirling sand storm
We can’t go over it we can’t go under it
Oh no! we’ve got to go through it
whooo hooo whooo hooo

We’re going on a treasure hunt
We’re going on a treasure hunt
Going to get some fancy ones
We’re not scared!

Uh oh! a cave
a sparkly shiny treasure cave
We can’t go over it we can’t go under it
Oh no we have to go through it
tip toe tip toe tip toe

One wooden leg
Two beady eyes
Oh no it’s a pirate!

Quick back through the cave
tip toe tip toe tip toe
Back through the sand storm
whoo hoo whoo hooo
Back through the jungle
stumble trip stumble trip
Back through the river
splish splosh splish splosh

Get to the house open the door!
Up the stairs
Oh no forgot to shut the door
Back down the stairs
Shut the door
Up the stairs
Into bed
Under the covers
(sigh) we’re never going on a treasure hunt again


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