Monday, June 22, 2015

2/3 Class Schedule: Welcome Summer!

Theme: Welcome Summer!
Literature: Let It Shine
Art: Fork Art Sunshine
Math: Counting Buttons

Literature: If You’re Happy and You Know It
Art: Sunny Rainbow
Math: Watermelon Math

Literature: What will the Weather Be Like Today?
Art: Sun Visor
Math: Pattern Block Animals

Literature: And Here’s to You!
Art: Ice Cream Cone
Math: Pattern Block Animals

Literature: The Watermelon Seed
Art: Watermelon
Math: Watermelon Math

All Week
Melting Ice in the Water Table
Color Mixing
Fine Motor:
Dot and Cut
Sticker Shapes
Don’t Cut the Sunshine 
Mr. Sun
Oh Mister Sun, Sun
Mister Golden Sun, 
Please shine down on me
Oh Mister Sun, Sun
Mister Golden Sun, 
Hiding behind a tree
These little children 
Are asking you 
To please come out 
So we can play with you 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

3/4 Class Schedule: Celebrate Summer

June 22-26
Circle Time: Summer solstice 
Literature: A Summer Day by Douglas Florian 
Art: Bubble art
Movement/Game: Dress for the weather

Circle Time: What is the weather like?
Literature: Summer Stinks by Marty Kelley
Art: Meltbead Suncatcher
Movement/Game: Shadow play

Circle Time: What activities can we do in the summer?
Literature:  Harry by the Sea by Gene Zion
Art: Water color beach
Movement/Game: Beachball volleyball

Circle Time: What fruits are in season?
Literature: The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli
Art: Making fruit salad
Movement/Game: What time is it Mr. Fox

Circle Time: Last Day of School: What will we do this summer?
Literature: Time of Wonder by Robert McCloskey
Art: Paper Plate Fan
Movement/Game: Beachball volleyball

Music of the Week:
Mr. Sun
Oh Mister Sun, Sun
Mister Golden Sun, 
Please shine down on me

Oh Mister Sun, Sun
Mister Golden Sun, 
Hiding behind a tree
These little children 
Are asking you 
To please come out 
So we can play with you 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Prek/k week of June 15-19. Raptors, measuring, and Father's Day

Prek-K week of June 15-19.  Raptors, measuring and Father's Day

Literacy: A great friend will...
Math: measuring arm span and height
Science:  what are raptors
Art: eagle free art
Music: graduation songs

Literacy:  I love when my dad...
Math: measuring jumps/ height/arm span
Science:  owls owl pellets
Art: free art owl
Music: graduation songs

Literacy: I love when my mom...
Art/Math/science   build, fly and measure paper airplane distance traveled.
Music: graduation practice

Literacy: when I grow up, my pet will be/ Father's Day question are
Math/science:  straw towers
Art: tablecover paintings
Music: graduation practice

Literacy: Father's Day questionarre, rainbow writing
Math/science straw towers
Art: tablecover paintings
Music: practice graduation

2/3 Schedule: African Safari

Literature: Giraffes Can't Dance
Snakes, Snakes, Snakes
How Loud is a Lion?
Hidden Hippo
Walking in the Jungle
Animal Boogie
You Put Your Left Paw In

Juggle Vines
Yawning Hippos
Paper Tube Snake
Corkscrew Pasta Lion
Hand and Footprint Parrot

Dramatic Play:
African Animal Hunt

Water Table
Snakes Bin
African Safari Hunt

Fine Motor:
Rolling Snakes with Play dough
Cutting Snakes

Predator Vs. Prey Game
Sack Snake Races
Snakes in the Grass

Going On an Animal Hunt (Chant)
We're going on an animal hunt, (your turn)
Searching for our friends. (say as I say)
Got my map in my hands,
And my binoculars too.

I see an animal in the distance.
It's got a long, wavy mane
Big, huge eyes
And a swishy swashy tail.

Shhhhhh! Tip-toe, tip-toe, tip-toe, tip-toe, tip-toe
It’s a lion!

I see an animal in the distance
It’s got a very, long neck
Straight, boney legs
And spots all over it’s body

It’s a giraffe!

I see an animal in the distance
It’s got a big, long trunk
Two sharp tusks
And some huge, flapping ears

It’s an elephant!

I see an animal in the distance
It’s got very big mouth
Some tough gray skin
And floats in muddy water

It’s a hippo!

I see an animal in the distance
It’s got long, bendy arms
A very strong tail
And swings through the trees
It’s a monkey!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

3/4 Class Schedule: We "CAN" do so much & Father's Day

Jun 15-19
Circle Time: We "CAN" name colors & shapes!
Literature: The Everything Book by Denise Fleming
Art: Shape Pictures
Movement/Game: Obstacle course

Circle Time: We "CAN" say letter sounds!
Literature: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin
Art: Name Train
Movement/Game: Phonic Bingo

Circle Time: We "CAN" write our numbers & letters!
Literature: Chicka Chicka 1,2,3 by Bill Martin
Art: Paint by numbers
Movement/Game: Number Hunt

Circle Time: We "CAN" make new friends!
Literature: Friends by Eric Carle
Art: Friendship collage
Movement/Game: Back-to-Back

Circle Time: Father's Day
Literature: Daddies by Lila Prap
Art: Father's day Card
Movement/Game: Back-to-Back
Reading/ Spelling Skill: Word puzzle
Beginning Science Concepts: Guess & Check
Songs/ Finger Play:
The More We Get Together
The more we get together, together, together
The more we get together, the happier we'll be
'Cuz your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together, the happier we'll be

Monday, June 8, 2015

Pre-k/ class Birds

Week of June 8-12
Theme: Birds

Literacy:  One day a bird.....
Art: perched bird free art
Math:  how many hatched eggs
Science: exploring birds with bird cards
Music:  three little birds, happy


Literacy: A bird can...
Art: Bird watercolor
Math: Bird egg math (matching)
Science: egg development
Music: can you be a frog, in summer

Literacy: My favorite bird is....
Math: which nest has more eggs?
Art: nest
Music: boomwhackers
Science: observing feathers

Literacy: A bird eats....
Math: how many worms (tally marks)
Art: bird seed art
Science: what do birds eat and how do they eat
Music: practice graduation songs

Basil's Bird
Literacy: One day a bird...
Math: Addition Bingo
Art: Milk carton bird feeder
Science: birds migrating
Music: little bird little bird

Sunday, June 7, 2015

3/4 Class Schedule: Birds

June 8-12
Circle Time: What are birds? 
Literature: Have you seen birds? by Joanne Oppenheim
Art: Binoculars 
Movement/Game: Color sorting

Circle Time: Bird Life cycle 
Literature: Find the bird by Stephen Cartwright
Art: Bird feeder
Movement/Game: Keep the feather in the air

Circle Time: Bird's nest 
Literature: My spring robin by Anne Rockwell
Art:  Building a Bird nest 
Movement/Game: Jump rope

Circle Time: Big Birds
Literature: The owl and the pussycat by Edward Lear
Art: Salt Dough Birds
Movement/Game: Tennis

Circle Time: Water Birds
Literature: Tacky the penguin by Helen Lester
Art: Bottle Cap Bird
Movement/Game: Keep the feather in the air

Written/ Math Skill: Letter & number addition
Reading Skill: Phonic Bingo
Beginning Science Concepts: More or Less
Songs/ Finger Play:
Baby Robins 

Five baby robins watch Daddy Robin soar; (hold up 5 fingers)
One baby leaves the nest, and now there are four. (thumb)Four baby robins, high up in a tree;One flies to catch a worm, and now there are three. (index)Three baby robins had nothing to do;One tried his new-found wing, and then there were 2.(middle)Two baby robins frolicked in the sun;Another robin chased a bug, and then there was one. (ring)One baby robin, left all alone;And this baby robin decided to stay home!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Marine Mammals and Octupus

Literacy:  My favorite part of school is..
Math: Marine Mammal patterning
Art:  Free art Otter
Science:  Otter habitat
Music:  Practice graduation songs

Literacy: I like learning about_____.
Math:  Fish take-away
Art: Stuffed Whale art
Science: Whale habitat
Music: graduation songs

Literacy:  Next year, I hope to______.
Math: Shark teeth math
Art:  Shark free art
Science:  Shark habitat
Music: Graduation songs

Field Trip to Constellation Park

Literacy:  My favorite sea creature is_____.
Math: Patterning  sequence
Art: Octopus art
Science:  Octopus habitat
Music:  boom sticks