Sunday, November 9, 2014

More about Leaves Nov. 10-14 Prek and K class

Week of November 10-14
Letter of the week is j
Literacy:  letter h    I can jump __________feet!
Math:  recognize and practice numbers 1-10 or 11-19
Art:  Leaf collage
Science:  Why are leaves colorful?  leaf experiment
Music:  parachute with leaves
Book:  Falling Leaves

Veteran’s Day no school

Literacy:  I would juggle ________.
Math:  Counting and recognizing 1-10 or 11-19 using a dice activity
Art:  Pounding out leaf colors and Painting fall tree
Science:  Identifying Leaves/Sorting
Music:  All the Leaves are Falling Down
Book:    Fall Leaves Fall

Literacy:   My favorite jungle animal is____________.
Math:  Leaf pattern blocks
Art: Wax Paper leaves
Science:  Identifying and sorting leaves
Music: Parachute with leaves and music
Book:  Going on a Leaf Hunt

Literacy:  I would fly on a jet to________.
Math:  Counting and writing numbers 1-10 or 11-19
Art:  Paper Bag fall tree
Science:  Why are leaves colorful?  leaf experiment
Music:  All the Leaves are Falling Down
Book: Why do Leaves Change Color

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