The Mail Carrier's Song
Tune: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
Write, write, write your cards,
And lots of letters, too.
I will bring them to your friends,
And they will write back soon.
And lots of letters, too.
I will bring them to your friends,
And they will write back soon.
Bring Your Dogs
Tune: “Oh, My Darling”
Bring your dogs, bring your cats,
Bring your hamsters, one by one.
I take care of the animals,
I’m a veterinarian.
Roll, Roll, Roll Your Dough
Tune: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
Tune: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
Roll, roll, roll your dough
Smoothly as can be.
Roll it till it's big and round,
Then add some good toppings.
Smoothly as can be.
Roll it till it's big and round,
Then add some good toppings.
Cupcake Poem
Five Yummy Cupcakes in the Bakery Shop
Round and sugary with icing on top
Along came (name of child) with a dollar one day
He/she bought the cupcake for a friend and gave it away