Letter of the week is N
Literacy: nice. What I do that's nice
Math: pattern block snowman
Art: Shape snowman
Music: Frosty the Snowmen
Science: What is Snow?
Book: The Biggest Snowman Ever
Literacy: I want a new_____.
Math: Pattern Block Snowman and counting cotton ball snowman
Art: Snowglobe snowman
Music: Frosty the Snowman
Science: What is snow?
Book: Snow Music
Literacy: my favorite number is_________.
Math: building snowflakes with marshmallows
Art: melting snowman
Science: What are Snowflakes
Music: I’m a Little Snowman
Book: Snowflake Bentley
Literacy: I will never ever ________.
Math: roll to win snowmen
Art: Glue snowmen
Music: I’m a Little Snowman
Science: Making fake snow
Book: I Will Never Ever Not Eat Tomatoes
Literacy: Inside my nest is_____.
Math: Math Center
Art: shaving cream snowman
Music: I’m a Little Snowman and Frosty the Snowman
Science: Making fake snow
Book: Snowballs