June 16th - June 20th
Circle Time: Lets talk about the Weather
Literacy: It looked like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw
Math: Counting Raindrops
Art: Raindrops Art
Circle Time: Lets talk about the Weather
Literacy: What Makes a Rainbow by Betty Ann Schwartz
Math: Counting Raindrops
Art: Fruit Loops Rainbow
Circle Time: Hot or Cold... What should we wear?
Literacy: What Makes a Rainbow by Betty Ann Schwartz
Math: Cloud Math Activity
Art: Cloud Window Craft
Circle Time: Hot or Cold... What should we wear?
Literacy: Don't be afraid to Drop by Julia Cook
Math: Sun Math
Art: Sun Craft
Circle Time: Friendship
Literature: Pancake, Pancakes! & Friends by Eric Carle
Art: Making pancakes
Math: Number of Fruit on pancakes
Fine Motor
Cutting Clouds
Paper Tear Rainbow
Play Dough
Cloud Sensory Bin
5 Little Raindrops (Rhyme):
Five little raindrops plopping on the floor,
one plopped away, and then there were four.
Four little raindrops dripping on the trees,
one dripped away, and then there were three.
Three little raindrops splashing on my shoe,
one splashed away, and then there were two.
Two little raindrops starting to run,
one ran off, and then there was one.
One little raindrop drying in the sun,
it dried all up, and then there were none!
What's the Weather Like today?
What's the weather, what's the weather, like today, like today?
Look outside the window, look outside the window
Can you say?
It's a sunny, it's a sunny, sunny day, sunny day
Go out in the sunshine
Go out in the sunshine
Play, play, play
Play, play, play
It's a cloudy, it's a cloudy, cloudy day, cloudy day
Better get a sweater
Better get a sweater
If it's cold
If it's cold
It's a windy, it's a windy, windy day, windy day
Let's go fly a kite now
Let's go fly a kite now
Fly it high
Fly it high
It's a rainy, it's a rainy, rainy day, rainy day
Better get a raincoat
Better get a raincoat
It's all wet
It's all wet
It's a snowy, it's a snowy, snowy day, snowy day
Get your coat and mittens
Get your coat and mittens
Burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr
What's the weather, what's the weather, like today, like today?
Look outside the window, look outside the window
Can you say? Can you say?