Monday, May 6, 2013

Bees, Bumblebees and Wasps/lowercase e

Bees, Bumblebees and Wasps
Lowercase e

Literacy: -ee family  thumbprint bee story
Math/Art: Building bee nests with fiorelli pasta
Science: Examining real nests/KWL bees
Music: Baby Bumblebee with different tempos
Book: The Very Greedy Bee

Literacy: One day a bee….     –ea family
Math: How Many Bees in the Hive?  (addition)
Art: Paperbag bee nests
Science: Pollination using Cheetos
Music: Flight of the Bumblebee  and bee flying
Book: Honey Bee and the Robber

Literacy: A bee can…..   –eat family
Math: bee tangrams
Art: Painted bee with wax paper wings
Science: How bees fly?
Music: drawing to Flight of the Bumblebee
Book:  Bees and Wasps
Literacy: write the room/ word families  -eet family
Math: Eggs in the nest  (subtraction)
Art/Music:  Fingerpainting to Flight of the Bumblebee
Science: Bee stings

Literacy: -ee family mini-book
Math: building with hexagons
Art/Science:  Exploring with beeswax and melting crayons
Music: Baby Bumblebee
Book: Bee Tree

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