Sunday, April 28, 2013


Insects/ lowercase e
Literacy:  bug stamp book /word family –ug
Math:  Aphids on a leaf
Art: Create our own bug with a variety of shapes
Science: KWL bugs
Music: Ants in Your Pants by Nancy Stewart 
If you have ants in your pants (clap 3 times)
Fleas in your knees (clap 3 times)
And you feel like a wiggle worm (wiggle)
Come on along with me and you’ll see at times
It’s o.k. to wiggle and squirm

Worms like to wiggle around in the ground
(children get down on tummies and wiggle like worms)

We’re luck that they do
‘Cause when they wiggle they stir up the dirt
And it helps the flowers to bloom

Can you jump up and down just like a flea
That’s what fleas like to do
If you walk under a tree where there is a flea
He will jump on you!

Now ants are very busy workers
They’re always on the move
So put those ants in your pants, get up and dance
Now you’re in the groove
(instrumental dancing verse)

Kids like to wiggle and jump up and down
They’re just like kids that way
When they get to wiggle and jump up and down
They’re havin’ a real good day
Book: Creepy Crawly Baby Bugs
Literacy: An ant can…book/ -ant family
Math:  Flying through numbers  (number recognition, adding 2 and 3 numbers)
Art: Ant colony using clay
Science: Ants/Ant farm
Music: Ants in Your Pants
Book: Hey Little Ant/ Ant Cities
Field trip to the Woodinville Trout Farm
Literacy: One day a little ant… -et family
Math:  Bug sequencing/Bug tangrams
Art: Sock ant
Science: Ant colonies, observing ants outside
Music: Ants in Your Pants
Book: Two Bad Ants
Literacy: Firefly book/ -ry family
Math: Buggy Spin and Graph
Art: Fireflies glowing in a jar
Science: bioluminescent animals
Music: Little Bitty Bug by Nancy Stewart
Book: Gus and the Firefly/The Very Lonely Firefly

Friday, April 26, 2013

PM Preschool Schedule: Bugs

Week of April 29-May 3
Theme: Bugs

Bugs Galore by Bob Staake
I Love Bugs by Emma Dodd

Review Straight Uppercase Letters
Letter M
Letter N

Dragon Fly Craft
Paper Butttefly

Clothespin & Straws Butterfly Counting
Dot the Lady Bug

Fine Motor:
Cut Out Bug Shapes
Pre-writing Bug Words


Flutter, Flutter, Butterfly
Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Flutter, flutter, butterfly.
Floating in the summer sky.
Floating by for all to see,
Floating by so merrily.
Flutter, flutter, butterfly,
Floating in the summer sky.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

2/3 Class Schedule (4/29-5/3): Bugs

Theme: Bugs

  • I Love Bugs! by Philemon Sturges
  • Bob and Otto by Robert O. Bruel
  • Bug Safari by Bob Barner
  • BUZZ by Eileen Spinelli
  • Beetle Bop by Denise Fleming
Letter: Dd
  • Dd is For Dots
  • Dd is For Dinosaurs
  • Dd is For Dogs
  • Dd is For Doodle
  • Dd is For Door
  • Bug Net Craft
  • Shape Bugs
  • Fingerprint Flowers and Bugs
  • Egg Carton Butterflies
  • Fluffy Bumblebees
  • Matching Butterfly Cards
  • Counting Bugs
  • Bug Patterns
  • Bug Puzzles
  • Sorting Bugs
Fine Motor:
  • Cutting: Bug Cutting
  • Pre-Writing Practice: Tracing Shapes with Bugs
  • Shoo, Fly Don't Bother Me!
Shoo, fly don't bother me. Shoo, fly don't bother me. 
Shoo, fly don't bother me, I belong to somebody!
  • I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee
I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee. Won't my mommy be so proud of me!
I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee. Ouch! It stung me!
I'm squashing up the baby bumblebee. Won't my mommy be so proud of me!
I'm squashing up the baby bumblebee. Mmm... It looks like strawberry!
I'm licking up the baby bumblebee. Won't my mommy be so proud of me!
I'm licking up the baby bumblebee. Oh! No more bumblebee!
  • Head, and Thorax, Abdomen, Abdomen (Tune: Head and Shoulders)
Head, and thorax, abdomen, abdomen.
Head, and thorax, abdomen, abdomen.
Antennae, wings, and six legs too.
Don't let this bug land on you,
Shoo, bug, shoo!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Enrichment Classes Schedule: (4/22-4/26)

Monday, Math/Science Class: The Solar System and Earth Day Celebration
  • Moon Overview (The Moon Phases)
  • Moon and Craters Experiment
  • 3-D Earth Play-Dough Sculpture
  • Earth Day Observation and Solutions
  • Earth Day Project
Wednesday, Literacy Class: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
  • Cookie Tear Art
  • Cause and Effect of Cookie Activity
  • Real Mouse Vs. the Mouse in the Story Comparison
  • Making Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Mouse with Yarn Whiskers Art
Friday, Cooking Around the World: China
  • Cooking Project: Egg Drop Soup and Beef with Broccoli
  • Making Our Books About China
  • More About Traditions and Culture
  • 3-D Chinese Dragon Art

2/3 Class Schedule (4/22-4/26): Earth Week

Theme: Earth Week

  • Earth Day by Gary Kowalski
  • What the World Needs by Mansfield Elem. Middle School in Mansfield, Louisiana
  • Whoever You Are by Mem Fox
  • All the Water in the World by George Ella Lyon
  • The Earth and I by Frank Asch
Letter: Cc
  • Cc is For Cars
  • Cc is For Cones
  • Cc is For Cats
  • Cc is For Cookies
  • Cc is For Clouds
  • 3-D Earth Play-Dough Sculpture
  • Earth Watercolor Pipet Art
  • Earth Hand-prints
  • Tissue Paper Earth Craft
  • Faces with Natural Stuff
  • Sorting/Matching Earth Cards
  • Counting Plants
  • Earth Puzzle
  • Snow Pom-Poms with Tongs Bin
Fine Motor:
  • Cutting: Don't Cut the Raindrop!
  • Pre-Writing Practice: Tracing Shapes
  • Earth is in Our Hands

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth day and more Weather/letter d

Earth Day and more about Weather/letter d
Literacy: My favorite word book  (a,b,c,d)  -ight
Math: How many helping hands around the Earth
Art: Earth tie dye print
Music: Alligators all Around
Science: Reuse and recycle
Literacy: My favorite word book (e,f,g, h) –ook family
Math: umbrella raindrop addition match
Art: Different cloud paintings
Music: Alligators All Around
Science: cloud in a jar
Book: Weather Words
Literacy: My favorite word book (I, j,k,l)-oot family
Math/Art: Sundial
Music: Pete the Cat (Rocking in my School Shoes)
Science: The importance of the sun.
Book: Sun
Literacy: My favorite word book (m,n,o,p)  -it famly
Math: How many lightning bolts?
Music: Pete the Cat ( Rocking in my School Shoes)
Art: Stormy day
Science: Different kinds of storms / Tornado in a bottle  bring in a clear, plastic jar or water bottle
Book: The Storm Book
Literacy: My favorite word book (q,r,s,t) –ing family
Math: weather patterning
Music: Alligators All Around
Science/Art: Weather book   (review water cycle)
Book:The Best Book of Weather

Saturday, April 20, 2013

PM Preschool Schedule: Earth Day

Week of April 22-26
Theme: Earth Day

Earth Day, Birthday by Maureen Wright
Earth Day Every Day by Lisa Bullard

Review Straight Uppercase Letters
Letter A
Letter E

Stained Glass Planet Earth
Plastic Wrap Paint Art

Earth, Mark the Number Game
Helping Hands

Fine Motor:
Pre-writing Recycle Words
Cut out Recycle Shapes (bottles, plastic cups, etc.)


Recycling Song
Tune: Row Row Row Your Boat

Save, save, save the cans, throw them in the bin,
We can help to save the earth if we all pitch in.
Save, save, save the paper....
Save, save, save the bottles....
Save, save, save the plastics....

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weather/Lowercase d

Week of April 15-19
Weather/Lowercase d/adding numbers

Literacy:  -un
Math:  cotton ball cloud counting
Art: animal cloud pictures
Science:  clouds activity with shaving cream
Music: Cloud dancing
Book: Little Cloud

Literacy: -ip  (tr) sound
Math: How many clouds?
Art: water cycle craft
Science: what is the water cycle/ condensation experiment
Music: water cycle dance
Book:The Cloud Book

Literacy: -up
Math: adding raindrops in the clouds
Art: umbrella and raindrops
Science: measuring rain/ condensation
Music: Rain Rain go Away/April Showers
Book:The Rain Came Down
Literacy: -ick  (ck) sound
Math: adding raindrops with water droppers
Art: Rain watercoloring
Science: measuring rain/condensation
Music: Rain, rain go away/ April Showers
Book: What is Rain?

Literacy: -ain , rainbow book
Math: Rainbow races
Art: Pasta rainbow
Science: What makes a rainbow?
Music: In the Rainbow
Book: What Makes a Rainbow

Enrichment Classes Schedule: (4/15-4/19)

Monday, Math/Science Class: The Solar System
  • Moon Phases Activity
  • Sun with Paint Experiment
  • Making Moon Sand
  • Toilet Paper Solar System Experiment
  • Counting with Stars
Wednesday, Literacy Class: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
  • Cookie Tear Art
  • Cause and Effect of Cookie Activity
  • Real Mouse Vs. the Mouse in the Story Comparison
  • Making Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Mouse with Yarn Whiskers Art
Friday, Cooking Around the World: China
  • Cooking Project: Egg Drop Soup and Beef with Broccoli
  • Making Our Books About China
  • More About Traditions and Culture
  • 3-D Chinese Dragon Art

Thursday, April 11, 2013

PM Preschool Schedule: Weather

Week of April 15-19
Theme: Weather

The Cloud Book by Tomie dePaola
One Rainy Day by M. Christina Butler

Review Straight Uppercase Letters
Letter M
Letter X

Umbrella Raindrops
Wind Art

Count the Raindrops
Sort Rainbow Colors/Weather Clouds

Fine Motor:
Pre-writing Weather Words
Cut out Weather Shapes (clouds, thunder, etc.)


Whistling Wind
Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It

If you hear the whistling wind,
Cup your ears.
If you hear the whistling wind,
Cup up your ears.
If you hear it in the trees,
Making music with the leaves,
If you hear the whistling wind,
Cup your ears.
If you feel the Blustery wind,
Whirl around.
If you feel the blustery wind,
Whirl around.
If you feel it lift your hair,
Like a kite up in the air,
If you feel the blustery wind,
Whirl around.

2/3 Class Schedule (4/15-4/19): Weather

Theme: Weather

  • The Wind Blew by Pat Hutchins
  • When the Earth Wakes by Ani Rucki
  • Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett
  • Rain by Robert Kalan
  • Cloudette by Tom Lichtenheld
Alphabet: Bb
  • Bb is For Bats
  • Bb is For Baseball
  • Bb is For Bears
  • Bb is For Bears
  • Paper Plate Weather Cycle
  • 3-D Clouds
  • Rainbow in a Jar
  • Raindrops with Pipets
  • Lightning Paint Art
  • How Many Raindrops Do You See? Game 
  • Counting Umbrellas
  • Sorting Clouds and Rainbows
  • Cloud Sensory Bin
  • Weather Sensory Table
Fine Motor:
  • Cutting: Clouds
  • Pre-Writing Practice: Follow the Sunshine
  • 5 Little Raindrops (Rhyme): 
Five little raindrops plopping on the floor,
one plopped away, and then there were four.
Four little raindrops dripping on the trees,
one dripped away, and then there were three.
Three little raindrops splashing on my shoe,
one splashed away, and then there were two.
Two little raindrops starting to run,
one ran off, and then there was one.
One little raindrop drying in the sun,
it dried all up, and then there were none!

  • Weather Song (Tune: B-I-N-G-O):
    There was a time when we were wet and rainy was the weather r-a-i-n-y-, r-a-i-n-y, r-a-i-n-y and rainy was the weather. 
    There was a time when we were hot and sunny was the weather, S-u-n-n-y, s-u-n-n-y, s-u-n-n-y and sunny was the weather. 
    There was a time when we were cool and windy was the weather, w-i-n-d-y, w-i-n-d-y, w-i-n-d-y and windy was the weather. 
    There was a time when we were cold and snowy was the weather, s-n-o-w-y, s-n-o-w-y, s-n-o-w-y and snowy was the weather! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

3/4 Class Schedule (4/22-4/26): Earth Week

Theme: Earth Week    
The Earth and I by Frank Asch
All the Water in the World by George Ella Lyon
Whoever You Are by Mem Fox
What the World Needs by Fourth Grade Students at Mansfield Elementary School
Earth Day: An Alphabet Book by Gary Kowalski
Watch Over Our Water by Lisa Bullard
Earth Day, Every Day by Lisa Bullard

Letters with Curves (S, J, U, D, P)
I Have, Who Has Game (lowercase letters)

Fine Motor:
Preschool Mazes
Squeezing Pipettes/Mixing Color on Coffee Filters
Squeeze Paint Earth Craft
Shaving Cream Marble Painting
Lunch Trash Collage
Plastic Bottle Cap Mosaic
Toilet Paper Bird Feeder

How Many Drops of Water?
Number Poems
Tune: Three Blind Mice
Recycle. Recycle.
See how we save.
See how we save.
We save our paper, glass and cans.
Everyone lend a helping hand.
We must pitch in to save our land.
So recycle.

Earth Day Hooray!
Tune: The Ants Go Marching
Soon it’s gonna be earth day.
Hooray! Hooray!
Soon it’s gonna be earth day.
Hooray! Hooray!
We’ll do our part. We’ll do our share.
To clean up the earth everywhere.
That’s what Earth Day’s all about.
Give a shout! Say, “Hooray!”
For Earth Day.






3/4 Class Schedule (4/15-4/19): Weather

Theme: Weather

Weather Words by Gail Gibbons
Weather Forecasting by Gail Gibbonso
Cloudette by Tom Lichtenheld
Rain by Manya Stojic
Splish! Splash! A Book About Rain by Josepha Sherman
Rain by Robert Kalan
A Rainbow of My Own by Don Freeman

Letters with Curves (C, O, Q, G)
I Have, Who Has Alphabet Game
C is for Clouds
Fine Motor:
“Don’t Cut the Raindrop” (cutting practice)
Glue Dots
Disappearing Clouds
Weather Words Book (Rain, Cloud, Sun, Rainbow)
Rainbow Sunshine Craft
Coffee Filter Umbrella
Fork Painting Sunshine
Q-tip painting Sunshine
Rain Jars
Shaving Cream Clouds
Graphing Weather Patterns
I Have, Who Has Number Game

What’s the Weather?
Tune: Jungle Bells
Sunny day,
Cloudy day,
Or rainy day so gray?
Look outside and tell us now:
Can we go out and play?
Out Pop the Raindrops!
Tune: Pop Goes the Weasel
All around the sky today,
The clouds are full of raindrops.
The push and shove until the burst.
Out pop the raindrops.



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Enrichment Classes Schedule

Monday, Math/Science Class: The Solar System
  • Night and Day Activity
  • Earth's Axis Experiment
  • All About Moons
  • Space Object Differences Experiment
  • The Solar System and Asteroid Belt Project
Wednesday, Literacy Class: If You Take a Mouse to the Movies by Laura Numeroff
  • Popcorn Art
  • Popcorn Necklaces
  • Movie Ornaments
  • Book Trivia Game
  • Mouse Puppets
 Friday, Cooking Around the World: China
  • Traditions and Culture
  • Practice Using Chopsticks Game
  • Learning About Tai Chi
  • Chinese Red Envelopes
  • Cooking Project: Chow Mein

Sunday, April 7, 2013

3/4 Schedule: Farm Work

*Reminder: Field Trip to MaST Center on Wednesday

Theme: Farm Work

Farmer Duck by Martin Waddel
Pig’s Egg by Katherine Sully
Driving My Tractor by Jan Dobbins
Barnyard Banter by Denise Fleming

Retelling Story:
The Three Little Pigs
Fine Motor:
“Don’t Cut the Chicken” (cutting practice)
Letters with Diagonal Lines
Peas in a pod
Growing Carrots
Sheep Farm Scene

Hay and Corn Sensory Bin
How Many Farm Animals?
How Many Eggs did the Farmer Find?

Old MacDonald Says…
The Pigs Go Skipping
In and Out of the Barn Game
Tune: The Farmer and the Dell
The (farm animal)’s out of the barn.
The _______’s out of the barn.
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
The _______’s out of the barn.
The (farm animal)’s is in the barn.
The _______’s is in barn.
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
The _______’s is in the barn.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

On the Farm / lowercase c

Farms / lowercase c

MaST Center Field Trip @ 9:45am

Literacy: lowercase c –ay word family
Math: Pin the hair on the horse
Art: Handprint horses
Science: Egg experiment (cont.)
Music: If I was a horse
Book: Horses

Literacy: lowercase c –ake family
Math:  Measuring ingredients
Art: Decorating strawberry shortcake
Science: Extract strawberry DNA
Music: Cock-a-doodle-do
Book: Cook-a-doodle-do

Literacy: lowercase c –op family
Math: Weight eggs from experiment
Art: Pick a boo bunny
Science: Observe eggs
Music:  Take me out to the barnyard
Book: Guess How Much I Love You

Literacy: lowercase c -oat family
Math: Food Pyramind sorting
Art/Science: Healthy vs Junk
Music: Farm Chores
Book: Gregory, the Terrible Eater

Friday, April 5, 2013

PM Preschool Schedule: Farms (cont.)

Week of April 8-12
Theme: Farms

Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm by Joy Cowley
Pig's Egg by Katherine Sully

Upper Case Straight Letters

Cardboard Tube Farm Animals
Wishy Washy Tub Craft

My Piggy Bank
How Much Eggs did the Farmer Find?

Fine Motor:
My Itsy Bitsy Farm Book
Hey for Hay! (Glue Control)

Farm Sounds
Tune: Wheels on the Bus

The cow in the barn goes moo, moo, moo,
Moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo,
All around the farm.
The pig in the pen goes oink,.....
The hens in the coop go cluck,....
The lambs on the hill go baa,......
The ducks on the pond go quack,....