Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Enrichment Classes Schedule: (1/6/14-1/10/14)

ENRICHMENT         MONTH: January

YEAR: 2014

monday, Discovery Science CLASS (1/6/14)
TOPIC: The Solar System
·          The Solar System Review
·          Solar System Craft
·          Planets Experiment
·          Asteroid Belt Activity
·          Conclusion

tuesday, sports & Games (1/7/14)
TOPIC: Baseball
·          History
·          Safety
·          Art: Baseball Ornament
·          Skill Building Exercises: Batting

wednesday, literacy (1/8/14)
TOPIC: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
·          Cookie Tear Art
·          Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies
·          Cookie Graph
·          Mouse Number Assessment
·          Color by Number

thursday, discovery math (1/9/14)
TOPIC: Adding
·          How to Add
·          Adding with Snowflakes
·          Addition Game
·          How Much Do You Have?
·          Adding with Cards

friday, cooking around the world (1/10/14)
·          Where is China?
·          All About China
·          Chinese Craft
·          Cooking Project: Chow Mein and Beef with Broccoli

Enrichment Classes Schedule: (12/16-12/20)

ENRICHMENT         MONTH: December

YEAR: 2013

monday, Discovery Science CLASS (12/16/13)
TOPIC: Gravity and the Solar System
·          What is the Sun?
·          What is Gravity?
·          Gravity Experiment
·          The Solar System Wheel
·          Conclusion

tuesday, sports & Games (12/17/13)
TOPIC: Basketball
·          Positions
·          Scoring
·          Art: Basketball Handprint Paint
·          Skill Building Exercises: Shooting

wednesday, literacy (12/18/13)
TOPIC: Christmas Treasury by Jan Brett
·          Stockings Activity
·          Holiday Snacks
·          Decorate a Holiday Tree
·          Fake Snow Craft
·          Reindeer Fun (Game)

thursday, discovery math (12/19/13)
TOPIC: Fractions
·          What are Fractions?
·          Real Pizza Fraction
·          Fraction Bingo
·          Fraction Card Game
·          Which is Greater? Which is Less?

friday, cooking around the world (12/20/13)
TOPIC: Holiday Fun!
·          Different Types of Holidays
·          Holiday Activity
·          Holiday Crafts
·          Cooking Project: Holiday Cookies and Treats