Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Here are some pictures that have been taken over the last couple of weeksJ
We made these on Monday to begin our ecosystem unit. We discussed how the relationships between mountains, rivers, and oceans, and how they are connected. We also made mini terrariums that are staying at school this week, so be sure to check those out when you come in!

One of the dads at Discovery Garden is a police officer, and he came in last week during our community week to talk to the kids and show them his police car! The kids were so excited and loved it!

                               Abraham Lincoln art from Ms. Kristin’s class for President’s Day

 We had a 100 day chocolate hunt to celebrate the 100th day of school this year. We hid 100 chocolate kisses in the back and then had the kids go out to find them. They then had to bring them to the big heart on the table and match the number on the bottom of the chocolate to the number on the heart. The idea was to make a box of 100 chocolates. J The kids had a great time with this and we were able to find all 100 chocolates!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Monday: Ecosystem Overview
Letter G: gift
Number 5: number matching
Math: Coin Sort and dollar bills discussion
Science:  Terrarium
Art: mountain, river, ocean diagram (how things are connected)

Tuesday: Mountains and Volcanoes
Letter G: girl
Number 5: Air writing and white board
Math: one-to-one correspondence with money
Science: volcano eruptions
Art: mini volcanoes

Wednesday: Rivers and Oceans
Letter G: golf
Number 5: writing
Math: coin conversions
Science: river habitat vs. ocean habitat sort, listening to shells
Art: river and fish mural

Thursday: Forest Animals
Letter G: green/ glue
Number 5: number search
Math: coin sort worksheet and role play with money
Science: pine cone bird feeder
Art: squirrel mosaic

Friday: Plants and Trees
Story: Dr. Seuss Story
Letter G: gum
Number 5: get the object
Math: Dr. Seuss Matching
Science: Parts of a tree diagram with real plants
Art: Tree bark rubbing/painting with bark/ tree painting and Cat and the Hat Art

Monday, February 20, 2012

President’s Day and Community

This week we will be studying community. We have a lot of fun activities planned…so exciting! We will be doing lots of role playing, creating a neighborhood, and will even have a police officer come in to visit and talk to the kids on Thursday and Friday!

Monday: No School- President’s Day

Tuesday: President’s Day
·         Letter K: Kite
·         Math: Heads and Tails Probability
·         Movement: President March
·         Art:  Abraham Lincoln Face Puppet
·         Number 4: Get the Object

Wednesday: Community
·         Letter K: Kangaroo
·         Math: Community Sort
·         Science: Where we live circle map
·         Art: Sheriff Badge
·         Number 4: Number Matching

Thursday: Community
·         Letter K: Kernels
·         Math: Community Sort
·         Science: Recycling
·         Art: Create a neighborhood/town
·         Number 4: Air and White Board Writing

Friday: Community
·         Letter K: Kitchen, King
·         Math: Number sort
·         Science: Library, post office role play
·         Art: Mailbox Decorating for post office

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chocolate, Valentine’s Day, and 100th Day

We have a lot going on this week! This week we will be our chocolate unit. We will also be celebrating Valentine’s Day and our 100th Day of school! We still are doing show and tell, so feel free to bring in something that begins with the letter of the week!
·         Letter: V- violet
·         Number 3: number search
·         Math: Valentine Bingo, M&M sort
·         Food Science: Water vs. Milk (hot chocolate)
·         Art: Love Bug

Tuesday: Valentine’s Day
·         Letter: V-Valentine’s Day
·         Number: Get the Object (one-to-one correspondence)
·         Math: Conversation Heart Sort
·         Art: Contact Paper Hearts
·         Valentine’s Day Exchange and Cookie Decorating

·         Letter: V- violin
·         Number: # matching
·         Math: Cupcake Matching
·         Paint with Chocolate Pudding
·         Art: Heart Wreath

·         Letter: V- vegetable
·         Number: Air and white board
·         Math: Rolling Heart Game
·         Science: Chocolate Tasting (dark, milk, and white chocolate)
·         Art: Paper Heart Creations

Friday: 100th Day
·         Letter: V- van, Velcro
·         Number: Writing
·         Math: 100 Day Chocolate Hunt and 100 Pennies
·         Food Science: fruit dipped in chocolate
·         Art: Abe Lincoln Cabin (for President's Day:)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

5 Senses Continued and Valentine’s Day Activities

·         Letter R: rain
·         Art: Valentine card holder/ Valentine Tree/Valentine card
·         Science: mirrors and reflection
·         Math: size sequencing (group)
·         Number of the week: 2 writing

·         Letter R: rainbow
·         Art: Valentine Tree/ Valentine card holder/Valentine card
·         Science: 5 Sense Sort with objects
·         Math:  Counting and graphing 1 or 2 body parts
·         Number of the week: number search

·         Letter R: run
·         Art: Texture painting
·         Science: Magnify glasses/ sanding wood
·         Math: pattern blocks/ shapes (things we hear- car, music note)
·         Number of the week: get the object

·         Letter R: red
·         Art: Binoculars with cellophane
·         Science: pin the tail (what it’s like to see vs. not to see) and Wave Bottles
·         Math: Eye color graph
·         Number of the week: number matching

Friday: Valentine’s Day Celebration
·         Letter R: raisin
·         Art:  5 senses collage
·         Science: Voice vibrations (hand on throat) and Sound Bottles
·         Math:  raisin counting
·         Number of the week: air/ white board
·         Movement: walking quietly to listen for what we can hear